OKay so who wants to look ashy ??......*crickets
NO ONE! Thats who lol. Some of you guys have been having a hard time navigating the shine controls on your BBL Body so I am here to save the day and to put an end to ashy elbows. The first thing you will need to do is make sure your graphic settings are set so that you will be able to see the shine. You can do this by going into your preferences on your viewer of choice and making sure Advanced Lighting Model is turned on. Once you have made sure your settings are correct you're going to add you BBL Body Hud. At the very bottom of the HUD you will see 5 Black buttons. The buttons labeled with the plus signs (+ , ++) will add shine the more you press them (GO NUTS). The buttons labeled with the minus signs (-,--) will reduce and or take away the shine completely. There are also appliers created to give the apparence of water droplets and or other effects that you can find throughout the second life marketplace. I hope this post was helpful !! buh bye now <3
xoxo Kaitlyn Balfour
what are some body effect appliers besides the one included that your recommend?